2021 - the year to bounce back
"Learning and career progression" is the best gift
that you can give to someone who means to you!
Skill based Centers of Excellence

It’s a Win-Win for all!

The year 2020 was a year that many would like to write-off from their lives. However, you can make a difference to someone who means a lot to you in your life.

Be it a colleague, a friend or a well-wisher. Let them reap the benefits of the Executive MBA course in Product Leadership by referring them. Each successful admission will entitle you and the person you have referred for a cash reward of INR 15,000. Yes, we reward the both of you!

Confirm your details on this form and one of us will get back to you at the earliest to understand who you would like to refer, and how you would want us to initiate the conversation with them.

 Refer and Earn

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Sample Resources
Invites to Master Class Workshops, Webinars
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eLearning Library, Case Studies, Tools & Templates
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